VMRO-DPMNE to propose a reduction of VAT on electricity price


Although the Government is constantly announcing a good economic year every year, and that this will finally be the year where we will have increased prosperity in the economy, but we see that the results are far from those announcements. A few weeks ago, the NBRM announced that we will have increased inflation, that energy prices will go up and that there are worrying trends in the area of ​​public debt. However, we as a political party have been alerting for a long time, said Timcho Mucunski, MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE and the “Renewal of Macedonia” coalition in an interview with TV21.

Mucunski added that as far as energy is concerned, it is clear that not only the price of electricity but also the prices of other energy sources are rising. Thus, the living costs of citizens increase and the costs of other products increase in parallel disproportionate to the growth of wages, which means that citizens statistically live poorer with each passing year.

“We as a political party, announced the party leader Mickoski, and we as MPs of that political party in the Assembly intend to propose a reduction in the amount of VAT on the price of electricity, which would mean lowering the price, relieving the citizens and companies. That is another way to absorb this shock which unfortunately our Government did not have the capacity and part of the public enterprises that have competencies in this area did not have the capacity to absorb it in time. We must in these difficult times, during one of the greatest socio-economic crises, make our citizens live at least in some conditions that they previously had. Unfortunately, the statistics and what the citizens feel is that they are getting poorer with each passing day,” Mucunski said.


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