Bulgarian PM Yanev confirms that the Declaration of the Bulgarian Parliament is the basis for an agreement with Macedonia


Problems with Macedonia can be resolved only on a bilateral basis and without outside interference. The framework position for the country is the one we insist on and bilateral issues should not be resolved in the international arena, Bulgarian caretaker Prime Minister Stefan Yanev said on Wednesday after meeting with his Albanian counterpart Edi Rama where they discussed the process of rapprochement of Skopje and Tirana to the European Union.

Although Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is still trying to convince the domestic public that his government is doing everything it can to find a solution with Bulgaria, and if it succeeds, we will have to have the first intergovernmental conference between Macedonia and the EU on June 23rd, the statements of the Bulgarian Prime Minister Stefan Yanev and at the same time the President Rumen Radev from Sofia said that Bulgaria seeks guarantees in the enlargement of the European Union with Macedonia.

Meanwhile, part of the content of the Bulgarian declaration that Zaev allegedly accepted for resolving the dispute between the two countries came out in the country.

Part of it contains that:

  1. Bulgaria threatens that “it will not allow the integration of N. Macedonia to the EU to be accompanied by European legitimacy of a state-sponsored ideology on an anti-Bulgarian basis “, and the same paragraph ends with the assessment that “rewriting the history of part of the Bulgarian people after 1944 is one of the pillars of the anti-Bulgarian ideological construction of Yugoslav totalitarianism”.
  2. The Good Neighborliness Treaty should be mentioned as another condition in the negotiations;
  3. Good neighborly relations are of horizontal importance and should therefore be assessed at each stage of the accession process of the candidate countries.
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