Increased inflation in Macedonia is as a result of the increase in the price of electricity, warnsthe opposition


Inflation in Macedonia has increased as a result of the increase in the price of electricity for households, which the government led by the Social Democratic Union and ZoranZaev, immediately after the elections on July 15 last year, increased by 7.4 percent, says GordanaDimitrieska-Kochoska, member of the VMRO-DPMNEExecutive Committee.

Dimitireska-Kochoska pointed out that compared to EU countries, such as Germany, where there is also an increased inflation rate, but there is already a revival of the economy, which is not the case with us.

“The situation in Germany where there is inflation is very different from ours, there inflation is due to increased demand, and on the other hand there is a revival of the economy, which is not the case here. We have inflation as a result of import prices and as a result of the increase in the price of electricity,” said Dimitrieska-Kochoska.

“The relevant international institutions also confirm that Macedonia has the highest inflation rate precisely because of the increase in the price of electricity,” said Dimitrieska-Kochoska.

She added that if the new increase in the price of electricity is adopted, which is currently required, at least the VAT will have to be reduced, with the sole purpose that the price increase does not hit directly into the pockets of citizens, i.e.for end consumers to not pay higher bills.

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