Macedonians in Tetovo unable to get a monolingual document, they were told that they were below 20 percent


The Registry Office in Tetovo persistently refused to issue a request to Biljana for a certificate of free marital status only in Macedonian language. She received a bilingual document in Tetovo, in Macedonian and Albanian. At the regional office, her appeal was rejected, after which she was forced to go to Skopje, where she obtained such a document only in Macedonian, which, as a Macedonian woman, is legally due to her.

“The clerk told me that he could not issue me a monolingual. According to the protocol it could not. He told me that the boss told him that Macedonians are under 20 percent in Tetovo and there can be no monolingual certificate of free marriage. I asked to speak to the boss, and he threatened to call the police because I was forcibly demanding a Macedonian document. I was told that it must be so, and that after six months I could apply for a new document. In Tetovo, they told me there is no monolingual certificate for free marital status. I told the boss that I would address the media about this to find out what is being done to the Macedonians in Tetovo. He didn’t seem that worried,” says Biljana.


Read the whole article at МКД.мк

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