Mickoski reveals a new scandal in REK Bitola, tenders for excavation at twice the price


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski revealed a new scandal related to REK Bitola on Facebook. He stresses how ESM, i.e. former ELEM, is being stolen and destroyed, and that the management is announcing a tender for the excavation of coal and tailings for the entire calendar year, three months before the start of the local election campaign.

One company is participating in the tender. There is no electronic auction and there is only one bid. The total value of the tender is almost 13m euros. The price is 99 den / GJ, and only a year ago it happened for 44 den. ESM (formerly ELEM) ended 2020 with a loss of 16.8 million euros. Elections are approaching, so they must take out an advance.

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