United opposition files no confidence motion against Parliament Speaker Xhaferi


Today we want to announce that along with our colleague Dimitar Apasiev we have decided to initiate a non-confidence motion against Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi. There are many reasons for this non-confidence motion, but some moments like the one in the European Parliament have firmly convinced us that we should do it now, MP Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova said in a statement to the media.

The professor at the Skopje Faculty of Law pointed out that the comparative constitutional law states that the Parliament Speaker should be someone with the highest electoral legitimacy but also with the deepest, widest moral integrity.

“Unlike this European practice, our speakeris not a man of the parliament but a man of the government, he does not act as the first among equals but acts as the basic master of the Parliament, and we feel like we are an advisory body. It is neither neutral nor fair nor impartial. He does not keep the parliamentary house order as a good host because we do not even have a work calendar. Ours is the only Parliament in Europe, and maybe in the world that does not have a work calendar,” said Siljanovska-Davkova.

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