Minchev: No interest from recognizing ‘Bulgarian minority’ in Macedonia


Bulgaria has no interest in asking for recognition of the “Bulgarian minority” in Macedonia, says political scientist Ognyan Minchev in a Facebook post.

Minchev says that the 1999 bilateral declaration establishes that both countries have the duty to respect the individual rights of their citizens for self-identification and free expression of their identity within civil society associations.

He says that Bulgaria recognizes equal citizens, not minorities and majorities.

“It is high time that Bulgarian institutions, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are managed by competent people so that the practice of passing partial decisions stops. “The big ‘problem’ created by various ‘patriots’ cannot be fixed by new ‘idiotic solutions’ taken out of context and national interest,” says Minchev.

Bulgarian caretaker Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev said Friday the changing the Constitution of North Macedonia is one of the ways to resolve issues with members of the Bulgarian national community in the country.

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