Mucunski: Macedonia is a country with widespread corruption that creates unpredictable conditions for foreign investment


The U.S. State Department report on the investment climate in the Republic of Macedonia unfortunately confirms what many international governmental and non-governmental organizations have been noticing for a long time, namely that – Macedonia is a country with widespread corruption and a country that creates unpredictable conditions for foreign investments, said VMRO-DPMNE MP Timcho Mucunski at Monday’s press briefing.

In the abovementioned report, among other things, a factual situation is noted according to which:

– The implementation of anti-corruption laws is weak at times, selectively targeting critics of the government and criminals of low caliber. There are credible allegations of corruption in the police, prosecution, judiciary and many other state sectors.

– Laws are not made on the basis of statistical data or analysis and are usually adopted using an abbreviated procedure. Enforcement and laws lack universal implementation, which is a problem for business and citizens;

– Business is complaining about long and expensive trade disputes, which are subject to a court system that creates legal unpredictability;

“The implementation of contracts and the perception of non-transparent public procurement remains a challenge for business,” Mucunski said.

The MP added that the large number of international economic, financial and investment reports unfortunately only confirm the harsh reality in Macedonia, which of course could be the change through flawless, quality, responsible, honest and continuous work.

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