The situation in Staro Nagorichane is alarming, the fire in Kochani could remerge


The situation in StaroNagorichane is alarming, the fire in Kochanicould remerge

The worst situation is in StaroNagorichane, in some villages where yesterday the head of the department for operations and coordination of the Crisis Management Center (CMC) was in action to evacuate citizens who were at risk and there the fire affected several houses, but were saved human lives, said CMCheadStojanceAngelovat a press conference Tuesday.

In Kochani, as he pointed out, there is no danger in the city, but the fire has not been extinguished yet.

“Both helicopters were putting out the fire all morning, another leg is active and by the evening it can become a disaster again, to go in all possible directions, because if the wind blows in Skopje, in Eastern Macedonia it blows a little more,” said Angelov.

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