Around 1,000 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, infectious disease ward at September 8 Hospital to reopen


Health Minister Venko Filipche said Wednesday that around 1,000 new COVID-19 cases will be registered again.

Filipche added that the infectious disease ward at the 8 September City General Hospital has been made fully functional, where there are available beds, but they’re securing additional space in the intensive care units.

“The modular hospital next to the Infectious Disease Clinic has been made fully functional as of yesterday, and we’ve secured staff from other clinics here. Around 10 people have been hospitalized here. We have other prepared facilities, such as the rehab hospital in Kozle. I spoke to the director of the hospital in Tetovo, it seems as though the pressure they had felt there has somewhat reduced. The large number of check-ups during the day in the hospitals where there is pressure remains,” Filipche said.

Cities with higher vaccine rates such as Bitola, Ohrid and Shtip, where the vaccine rates are near 50%, don’t experience such high pressure in hospitals.

So far, a total of 1,097,855 doses of vaccines have been applied in the country, and 485,464 citizens have been revaccinated.

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