Dr. Kungulovski: The epidemic will probably reach its peak in September


Dr. Goran Kungulovski in an interview with TV 24 says that after the first case of the Delta variantof COVID-19 was detected in Macedonia, it was already known that there would be an upward trend in the number of cases, and the epidemic would reach its peak in September.

“The Delta variant spreads across the world, all over Europe. The peak will probably arrive a little faster, there is a week or two difference from all assumptions so far. We now see an upward trend in coronavirus-positive patients. After we detected the first patient carrying the Delta variant  in Macedonia, we knew that there would be an upward line and we knew that that upward line would take on some intensity in August and that it would probably reach its peak in September,” Kungulovski said.

As for what kind of winter awaits us when it comes to the coronavirus, the doctor says that no one knows, but he hopes that it will not be difficult because we will have a large percentage of vaccinated population.


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