A vote for a smaller opposition political party outside VMRO-DPMNE’s grand coalition is a vote for the continuation of Zaev’s rule


VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski, asked by reporters on Saturday how the party views the emergence of many independent lists of candidates for mayors and councilors in the upcoming local elections, whether this could be a competition for the opposition.

“I think it is good for the citizens to have a choice, the richness of democracy is the greater the choice and the more candidates. In that regard, I see it as positive for VMRO-DPMNE, because there is great interest in independent lists that when you see the structure of people who are running are current supporters of the government. These are people from the civil sector mostly, who were former supporters of Zaev’s government and also about structures that are or are still current members of SDSM or former members of SDSM, as well as structures that are current and current members of the smaller SDSM coalition partners such as the Liberal Democratic Party, DOM, etc.,” said Nikoloski.


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