MEPSO paid out 17 percent more in salaries, despite significant drop in revenue


In the midst of a pandemic, state-owned company MEPSO increased the salaries of the employees by 17% and distributed high bonuses for paid annual vacation. For the first time in 10 years, the electricity transmission company reported a loss of 5.8m euros, according to the 2020 financial report. However, that did not stop them from increasing the salaries of the 657 employees, whose average now reaches 60,649 denars gross salary per employee.

The company also distributed 327 thousand euros for K 15, which means that on average everyone received a 500 euro of annual vacation bonus. We did not receive an answer as to why they decided to increase their salaries, during the pandemic, when MEPSO recorded losses.

The report says the increase is due to staff turnover, an increase in staff, or, according to the report, plus 4 people, a higher qualification structure and a payroll law. There was also money for retirement, for prizes, benefits, newborns, illnesses. In total for this purpose, MEPSO paid 600 thousand euros, most of which are for annual vacation bonuses.

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