Macedonian students return to schools for the beginning of new school year after 52 weeks


The new school year in North Macedonia is starting Wednesday with in-person learning and special health protocols. Exception is made for the high schools in Tetovo and Gostivar, where students will attend online classes in the next 14 days, as well as Kichevo and Struga where classes will be held online in the next seven days. After the end of this period, new measures will be adopted in line with developments in the situation, the Government said on Tuesday.

Last year, the beginning of the school year was a month late, it started on October 1, and classes with in-person learning  were attended by students from first to third grade, as well as in some places that met the requirements for teaching according to protocol.

”I believe that the teaching model that we will apply from today, with in-person learning for all students with well-defined situations and cases that may be exceptions, will be sustainable and we will not allow schools to be places of transmission of the infection, as we did not allow nor last year when they worked with 40% of the total number of students who attended classes in the classroom,” said Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska.

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