Voters’ List open for reviewing until September 9


There are seven days left for the public inspection of the Voters’ List (September 9 at midnight), and nine days (September 11 at midnight) for the submission of the candidate lists for mayors and councilors to the Municipal Election Commissions for the local elections scheduled for October 17.

The public inspection of the Voters’ List can be done in the regional units and offices of the State Election Commission and electronically through the website of the SEC.

As of September 1, a total of 10,724 people had been checked in the Voters’ List.

“A total of 27 requests for registration in the Voters’ List were submitted, 23 requests for deletion of the data from the Voters’ List and 15 requests for change of the data in the Voters’ List”, pointed out the SEC. Also, a total of 35 requests were submitted to the SEC at [email protected].

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