Stoilkovski: All revenues of Shilegov’s company cannot cover his luxury  


Simple math says that Petre Shilegov increased his property by almost half a million euros while he was mayor of Skopje. It is a disproportionate growth of Petre Shilegov’s luxury with his income as mayor in these four years. His law firm, where he does not work and with which he must not have a contract for consulting services, ends 2019 with a profit of only 5,000 euros, accuses VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski.

“Even if all the realized profit for three years, 2018, 2019, and 2020 ended up at the expense of the luxuries of Petre Shilegov, the amount cannot cover the costs for the luxury cars, which by the way Petre Shilegov has not reported to the anti-corruption commission. So all the income of his company cannot cover the luxury of Petre Shilegov during his term. The top of the pyramid of luxury is the upgrade and luxury renovation of his family building, for which Shilegov has no documents for the upgrade. We must not forget the luxury villa in Mavrovo, which by the way is reported four times less than the real value. Petre Shilegov has no answer, because he feels protected by the institutions,” Stoilkovski said.

Stoilkovski says that after the elections there will be a revision which will determine:

Does Shilegov have any permit at all and was it necessary for the documents to be changed later in the Cadaster, on a non-working day?

Do the companies that are building the addition without a permit have anything to do with the tenders of the City of Skopje during Petre Shilegov’s term?

There is nothing worse than SDSM, there is nothing worse for Skopje than Petre Shilegov, the opposition spokesperson said.

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