Civil service most wanted job among citizens – only 4 hours of work on Fridays


Instead of 40 hours, the administration will work 36 hours a week or 8 hours Monday through Thursday and only 4 hours on Friday.

This is provided for in the new law on administrative staff, which is now in draft form and published on ENER. Prepared by the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, reports

Article 55 of the law, which refers to working hours, reads: “The full working hours of administrative employees are 36 hours per week, ie 8 hours per day from Monday to Thursday and 4 hours per day on Friday, if by law and / or collective agreement has not been determined otherwise. ”

Under current law, the administration works 40 working hours per week, every day from 7:30 or 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. or 4:30 p.m.

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