At the moment, Zoran Zaev is holding a government session to approve funds for bribery of companies. Zaev, contrary to the Electoral Code, today put an item on the government’s agenda for voting without debate – Granting financial support to 159 companies, just 4 days before the local elections, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Vlado Misajlovski at Wednesday’s press conference.
He said that this is the Draft Agenda for holding today’s government session, it shows that there is a flagrant violation of the Electoral Code and institutional bribery for which there is responsibility.
“Zoran Zaev and all members of the government today should know that by voting on this point the government is committing a crime for which they will be held accountable. This violates Article 8a of the Electoral Code, which st. 1 and 2 strictly prohibit the payment of budget funds during the campaign. Art. 8-a paragraph 1 item 3 states: “Payments of salaries, pensions, social assistance or other payments and material benefits from budget funds or from funds of public funds that are not regular monthly payments, ie all one-year transfers, may not be made. and payments or one-time transfers from budget funds or public funds, neither to alienate state capital nor to sign collective agreements.” The same article, paragraph 2, item 1, prohibits the payment of subsidies that are not regular monthly payments in the period of 20 days before the start of the election campaign until the end of the election “, said Misajlovski.
The VMRO-DPMNE Vice President calls on the SCPC to react and open a procedure and the institutions to react.