COVID-19 treatments in Macedonian hospitals of very poor quality


Professor DejanTrajkovski in his latest comprehensive analysis of the COVID-19 situation in the country estimates that the mortality rate, as a ratio of the number of deaths and the total number of cases, is unusually high.

Is the quality of treatment offered by our healthcare one of the possible reasons?

“It is obvious that the treatment in the Macedonian hospitals has a very poor quality. Our health authorities had 18 months to bring in a few foreign doctors to treat a ward of COVID-19 patients, where our medical staff would learn how to treat them properly. In such situations vanity should be put aside, because it costs a lot of people’s lives. In fact, because it is a new disease, the doctors themselves had to seek outside help, because 61.5% mortality is everything, just not normal. For comparison, in the United States the hospital mortality rate is about 10%,” estimates Trajkovski.

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