SDSM: Zaev’s resignation will apply to the whole party leadership


According to the party’s statutory provisions, the entire leadership of SDSM will resign along with Zaev’s resignation, the SDSM said.

The SDSM’s statement reads that having in mind the interest of the citizens and the current political situation in the country, daily consultations and working meetings are underway with the partners in the coalition from the parliamentary majority, as well as within the highest party leadership of SDSM.

At Friday’s meeting of the SDSM leadership, party leader Zoran Zaev informed about the consultations and talks with coalition partners. The parliamentary majority is responsible for the future of the state and the people and in this direction are the talks with all coalition partners from the parliamentary majority. Representatives of all parties in the parliamentary majority confirmed that the majority in Parliament is stable and expressed support for a government from this parliamentary majority. Macedonia needs a government that delivers results of interest to the citizens, especially in times of pandemic and energy crisis with a clear Euro-Atlantic course of action, the party said.

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