Macedonian citizens shop online once or twice in three months


The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered the structure of online transactions in North Macedonia. Prior to it, citizens shopped from abroad, while now they shop locally, an encouraging fact that benefits domestic online sellers, E-Commerce Association President Nina Angelovska told the opening of the 4th Annual Conference on E-Commerce on Friday, held in hybrid format in Skopje under the slogan “Ready, Set, Grow.”

“74% of all online orders are now from domestic sellers compared to the 40% two years ago. 2020 saw a three digit growth in the number of purchases from domestic online sellers, while in the first half of 2021 they increased by 77%,” Angelovska said.

She added that according to E-Commerce Association data, Macedonian citizens on average shop online once or twice every three months, which is the lowest rate in Europe.

“Macedonian citizens rarely shop online. Over 70% of the population place only one or two orders in three months. Orders usually amount up to EUR 50, similar to those placed from neighboring countries. People in North Macedonia, like those across Europe, most often buy clothes and sporting equipment. However, compared to the rest of the region, they buy the least furniture, household items and food,” Angelovska underlined.

Aside from shopping, Macedonians spend the most time online on social media, making North Macedonia a leader in Europe in posting photos, texts and other personal content.

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