Mickoski: The EU should deliver on promises and give Macedonia a date for starting talks, without blackmailing it into further concessions


The EU should deliver on promises and give the country a date for starting talks, without blackmailing it into further concessions. In regard to the dispute with Bulgaria, he noted that every solution within the framework adopted by Parliament is acceptable, said VMRO-DPMNE leader HristijanMickoski on Wednesday.

“Every solution that’s in line with the resolution backed by all parties in Parliament, will be supported by VMRO-DPMNE. They tried to convince us that we have no unresolved issues with neighbors, but they lied,” the opposition leader said.

The country, he added, should get a date for starting EU accession negotiations as soon as possible, like at the upcoming summit in December. European politicians, Mickoski stressed, shouldn’t write letters, but act in line with basic European values.

“The Macedonian people have been stalled a lot in the past because of these values, so it’s time Europe repays them and stop blackmailing us with additional concessions. VMRO-DPMNE will not stand for this. EU should green light the start of accession talks right now and give our people the credit they deserve,” Mickoski said.

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