MP Prendzov: The financial situation in Macedonia is very alarming


There are no delays with the Budget, if one looks at the Rules of Procedure, not from now but it is like that in the last 30 years, one has 10 days of amendment debate, then it returns to the Government, and then one has five days of Plenary Session. So generally, you will see that this Budget is being passed really fast because only three days were days of mourning otherwise we worked on Saturdays as well. So generally there are no deadlines when it comes to numbers. When it comes to numbers, we may interpret them in one way or another. The government thinks that the budget is developed, and we think that it is not, said LjupchoPrendzov, MP of the “Renewal of Macedonia” coalition.

Prendzov added that he made a comparison where the Republic of Macedonia is in all parameters, and where the region is. Unfortunately, Macedonia is first in the region in terms of unemployment and inflation. And Macedonia is on the last place according to living standard, and on average paid salary. Macedonia is the last in terms of industrial production in the region. While in Macedonia the industrial production falls by 8% per month, in Serbia it grows by 17%, in Kosovo it grows by 12%, Albania grows by 9%.

“The financial situation in Macedonia is very alarming,” Prendzov said.

The MP pointed out that only four items have been invested, namely the salaries of the administration, contract services by institutions, temporary employment, various transfers, etc.

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