Inflation increases poverty, Government must protect citizens’ standard with a larger set of measures


The bad economic policies of the Government led by SDSM and outgoing Prime Minister Zoran Zaev have brought the citizens to increasing poverty. Except for the crime and filling their own pockets, Zoran Zaev and his pawns did not move a finger to prevent this energy crisis, which affects the entire economy in the country, says opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

The party points out that only this criminal government could not see the increase in the prices of basic foodstuffs for the citizens. After they increased by more than 30%, the SDSM-led government decided to freeze the prices for some of the basic food products.

“This is a belated measure that will only mitigate the price shock, and will not be enough to prevent inflation, because many more measures are needed that need to be adopted an hour earlier, to protect the standard of living of citizens. Citizens expect an increase in the price of electricity by over 20%, and thus even higher inflation and increasing poverty. Instead of the energy capacities in the country to produce electricity, and to be ready for the energy crisis that was unannounced, Zoran Zaev and Vasko Kovachevski see only how to steal more from the energy system in the country. That is why now the state will import twice and three times more expensive electricity, and the price will be paid only by the citizens through higher electricity bills and through the increased price of basic food products and inflation”, the party said in a press release.

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