Kovachki: One month of silence from institutions for the smuggling of one ton of drugs via Skopje airport


There is no end to the scandals and crimes of the hybrid regime. Every day we have a new scandal from the most criminal government. This new scandal related to the Ministry of Interior and Customs gives the full picture why the Republic of Macedonia is on the 111th place on the scale of the corruption index of Transparency International, VMRO-DPMNE EC member Dragan Kovacki told the media on Monday.

“Exactly one month ago, the media reported that smuggling of psychotropic substances was prevented in a police action, which entered Macedonia through the Skopje airport. It is about smuggling of one ton of drugs that was brought to Macedonia through a Macedonian company, which deals with phone accessories,” said Kovachki, and added:

“One month of complete silence by the Ministry of Interior and the Customs Administration for this smuggling. A whole ton of drugs, not noticed by anyone from the Skopje airport, headed to its destination.”

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