Journalist Kajtazi: The Kumanovo group are criminals, Ahmeti in Prishtina asked for help to deal with them


Renowned Kosovo journalist Vehbi Kajtazi says that the so-called “Kumanovo group”, i.e. Kosovo citizens who caused the bloody incidents in May 2015 in Kumanovo’s Diva Naselba, are a criminal gang and have nothing to do with the rights of Albanians in Macedonia.

Kajtazi said in a debate on Dukagjini TV that before the group clashed with the Macedonian police, the leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), Ali Ahmeti, came to Kosovo to ask for help from his former comrades from the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). and the then Kosovo authorities, to deal with the group that began operating in North Macedonia.

According to the editor-in-chief of the Insiders news website, Ahmeti was sent to Prishtina by then-Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

“Ali Ahmeti came, met with Ramush Haradinaj and warned him that an armed group was moving forward, but received no response. Ramush listens to us, let him say that it is not so. He also met with Hashim Thaci, who is not here, he also met with Kadri Veseli and Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. They all demanded a solution, because an armed group from Kosovo went there and caused riots”, claims Kajtazi.

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