No funds planned for K-15 for public sector employees in 2022 budget


Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi stated Wednesday that the 2022 Draft Budget does not plan funds for payment of an annual leave allowance or K-15 in the public sector.

There is no additional money for payment of K-15 for the employees in the public sector, said Besimi, when asked if there were funds in the draft budget for payment of annual leave allowance for the public sector employees.

TheFederation of Trade Unions of Macedonia held a protest last Sunday, expressing dissatisfaction with the non-enactment of the law declaring Sunday a non-working day and demanding an increase in the minimum wage to 18,000 denars and a spiral increase in all other wages. Part of the demands of the union were the return of the right to recourse to annual leave for all workers in the General Collective Agreement for the public sector and retirement on several grounds.

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