Dr. Bekjarovski believes that the fear of Omicron is not justified and that the chances of hospitalization are 80% lower


All relevant and independent indications suggest that the Omicron coronavirus strain has much milder symptoms and the chances of ending up in hospital are about 80 percent lower than the currently dominant delta variant in Macedonia, Dr. Niko Bekjarovski of the Institute of Toxicology posted on Facebook.

“Why is there so much panic and fear? If at the moment we have about 500 new infections per day, which our health system successfully absorbs, it would mean that from the omicron variant the health system would successfully absorb up to 4,000 newly infected, because the patients would mainly stay at home. Where then is the problem? If the average duration of COVID-19 is about ten days, it means that every day for a long period of time we would have about 40,000 active cases, which we must agree can have serious economic implications and a large number of absent workers from their jobs. That’s why, because of the serious implications for business is the great panic that reigns in the EU and the US, from the Omicron. The human being in Western civilization has long since lost the battle with His Majesty – the profit” wrote Dr. Bekjarovski.

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