JSP Skopje reintroduces free transport for pensioners


Mayor of the City of Skopje Danela Arsovska made a decision with which starting January the pensioners will be able to ride for free in the buses of JSP on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, a measure that was abolished due to the pandemic.

In order to realize the free transport of the pensioners from the budget of the City of Skopje, 650,000 euros of subsidies will be given to JSP Skopje.

This decision to subsidize the company to introduce free transport is on the agenda for voting at the session of the Council of the City of Skopje on Wednesday. The decision proposes free transportation throughout the week for full-time undergraduate students at state universities, a measure that has been in place so far.

Arsovska promised in the local elections that all citizens will receive free transport in the buses of JSP, but recently retorted that this promise cannot be realized in the next two years.

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