Police to investigate in Dojran after information about forged COVID certificates

  1. Police officers from the Department of Criminal Police and SIA Strumica – OVR Gevgelija yesterday after a court order from the Basic Court Gevgelija, conducted searches at three locations due to reasonable suspicion of a crime, in connection with allegations of forgery of certificates in casino in Dojran.

“Searches were performed at three legal entities, whereby official medical documentation related to COVID-19 tests was confiscated, tests performed mostly on persons from abroad, electronic daily (book) of issued certificates for the period from 19.12. 2021 until the day of the search was confiscated, and official conversations were also held with two persons. During the search, the computer records (lists of Greek citizens who applied for testing) of the legal entity were inspected and reviewed, as well as in the premises of the “improvised” medical point in a casino in Star Dojran,” informs the Ministry of Interior.

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