Lowest morning temparature recorded in Popova Sapka with 23 centimeters of snow  


 The Hydrometeorological Administration informs that Friday morning were measured – 4 degrees in Popova Sapka, -3 in Mavrovi Anovi and Lazaropole, -2 in Berovo, 0 in Krushevo, Debar, 1 in Kriva Palanka, 2 in Kumanovo, Tetovo, Strumica and Vinica , 3 in Skopje-Petrovec, Stip, Bitola and Prilep, 4 in Skopje-Zajcev Rid, Ohrid, Pretor, Gevgelija and Demir Kapija, as well as 6 degrees in Dojran.

The snow cover at 7 am was 23 centimeters on the hills of Popova Sapka.

The weather during the night and this morning is cloudy with light to moderate wind from the north, especially along the Povardarie where it intensified in places. There was light local rain in the northwestern parts of the country.

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