Police arrest suspect of sending threatening letter to Public Porsecutor Joveski


The police in Bitola arrested a person suspected that ten days ago he sent a threatening letter to the Republic Public Prosecutor Ljubomir Jovevski.

In the letter, the suspect wrote that Joveski would be killed very soon. The Ministry of Interior announces an official statement regarding the event.

Public Prosecutor Ljubomir Joveski announced in a press release to the media on January 27 that he received a threat to his life through a registered mail sent by the Bitola Post Office on January 17, 2022 at 10:26 AM. The threats in the letter say that they will kill Joveski very soon. They present themselves as a terrorist organization and demand that the two journalists from Alfa TV, Goran Momirovski and Dragan Milosavljevic, be released from prosecution, a procedure for which the Prosecution emphasizes that it has already been stopped in December 2021, because there is no place for prosecution by a public prosecutor.

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