Kovachevski and Slavjanka Petrovska left the army without bread, water and transport

Dragan Kovachki

Kovachevski and Slavjanka Petrovska left the army without bread, water and transportation. The contracts for supply of bread and water for the army have expired, and in the meantime new ones have not been concluded, accuses VMRO-DPMNE’s Dragan Kovachki.

“How will they overcome the problem of lack of bread? The MoD is making attempts for the current bread supplier to continue delivering even though the deadline in the contract has already expired (!?). Otherwise, the soldiers on the Skopje-Veles route were left without organized transportation; Probishtip-Skopje; Kumanovo-Shtip; Bitola-Prilep-Veles; Strumica-Petrovec; Delchevo, Berovo – Shtip; but it has already become a normal state – the new normal. The Minister Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska is obliged to answer to the Macedonian public who and why allowed this situation to be reached and why a month or two ago new agreements for bread, water and transportation were not concluded. Will anyone finally take responsibility? This attitude towards the military is inadmissible,” said Kovachki.

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