Over 5,000 Macedonian citizens sought asylum in Europe in 2021


4,922 Macedonian citizens applied for asylum in one of the EU countries last year, which is a significant increase compared to 2020 when their number was 1,230. Most of them tried to find refuge in Germany.

The data of the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA) show a general trend of increasing the number of asylum seekers, as before the pandemic, but North Macedonia is pointed out as one of the countries where there is a drastic increase in numbers. If in 2020 there were 1,230 asylum seekers in European countries, now the number has reached 4,922 applications submitted by Macedonian citizens. Of these, 2,822 applicants tried to get asylum for the first time, while 2,170 citizens repeatedly tried to leave the country in one of the European destinations, reports Deutsche Welle.

Out of a total of 4,922 applications, 1,859 requests have been pending for more than six months. Thirteen Macedonian citizens applied for refugee status in one of the European countries. Last year, 3,395 applications were submitted negatively by Macedonian citizens, unlike in 2020, when 1,650 applicants were rejected. Most applications from North Macedonia for asylum in Europe were submitted in 2015 – over 15,600, but most were rejected.

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