Dimitrieska-Kochoska: Change and the fight against prejudice is possible only with loudness and direct activity


The woman is the pillar of a family, the woman is the pillar of society, therefore the woman can and must be the pillar of a company, an institution and a country. It is our duty as a society to fight against any form of discrimination. Unfortunately, women are victims of that discrimination and these are not rare and isolated cases. The problem is complex, because many factors influence, but common to them are prejudices, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Gordana Dimitreska-Kochoska on Saturday.

Gender discrimination affects first the status of a woman in the community, both at the micro and macro levels, then in education, and then is transferred to the field of her employment, her salary, her status. We must say out loud that we, all of us, do not need quotas that will meet any statistics. We need a radical change in the society in which the person will be valued according to his qualities, a change that will mean equal opportunities for all. Women can and know to use those equal opportunities and then fight for their status. The change is possible primarily with loudness, but also with immediate activity. I was inspired some time ago by an acquaintance who told herself how hard it was in her life. At first, her family was not in favor of upgrading her education. But she fought for it herself. Then she faced employment and there she convinced herself that women underestimate them and do not even prefer them for certain positions because they are supposedly the weaker sex, so they may take a career break because of motherhood, so maybe this job would be more suitable for a man and so on,” noted Dimitreska-Kochoska.


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