Plovdiv Metropolitan Nikolai: The Macedonian Church should receive autocephaly


According to the ancient canon rule, the Macedonian Orthodox Church has the right to autocephaly and the Serbian Church should allow that, said Plovdiv Metropolitan Nikolai.

According to one of the most influential metropolitans of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the church in Ukraine has that right.

On the eve of Lent, which begins on Monday, Metropolitan Nicholai called for humility, taming of passions and people. In the days of fasting, people must pray to God to give them strength and end the war in Ukraine and ask for forgiveness, because there is no other way.

Plovdiv Metropolitan Nikolai reminded that this is how the Bulgarian Church, the Serbian and Romanian Churches and the Russian Orthodox Church itself were founded, which separated with the blessing of the Mother Church – the Patriarchate of Constantinople, when the corresponding modern states were created.

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