High percentage of antibodies among citizens does not mean that herd immunity has been reached


 The data from the analysis from a COVID-19 test or screening conducted by the Ministry of Health show that in the subjects who were not vaccinated the degree of presence of antibodies ranged from 75 to 76 percent, while in the subjects who were vaccinated their presence of antibodies was 85-86 percent, which indicates that many of those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, or have contracted or come in contact with the virus, but this does not mean that herd immunity has been reached, Deputy Minister of Health Vladimir Rendevski told MIA.

The deputy minister pointed out that whether the citizens have reached herd immunity is decided by the Commission for Infectious Diseases on the basis of analyzes. However, said Rendevski, the most relevant parameter is the analysis of the number of newly infected, deceased and hospitalized and based on that, epidemiological measures are recommended.

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