Fifty-eight percent of young people would leave the country, and 64.8 percent are dissatisfied with their position in the country, according to a survey conducted by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, which involved about 1,000 respondents.
Petar Barlakovski, President of the Youth Education Forum at Tuesday’s conference on “Let’s say STOP the emigration of young people”, organized by Progress – Institute for Social Democracy, said that what can be seen is that unfortunately there are many young people who want to leave the country and a high degree and percentage of dissatisfaction among young people that the state does not contribute to improving the youth standard.
Barlakovski also presents a survey conducted by YEF last year in which about 800 respondents participated, from which data show that 56.8 percent of young people believe that the state does not contribute at all to young people living in underdeveloped rural areas, and 61.4 percent said that the state does not further contribute to young people living in poverty.