Conditions for public-private partnerships and agricultural subsidies to change


The Macedonian Parliament debated on Thursday after the continuation of two sessions, at the 47th and 50th session. As part of the seventh continuation of the 47th session, the MPs completed the debate on the Draft-Law on Amending the Law on Concessions and Public Private Partnership, in a shortened procedure. Voting on this bill will be additionally scheduled. From the 47th session, there are still four points for discussion.

According to VMRO-DPMNE MPs, the Draft Law on Amending the Law on Concessions and Public Private Partnership promotes inequality and legal uncertainty. There is also unequal treatment of economic entities. The law is flat, too subjective and this legal solution will be controversial and susceptible to abuse.

“This law promotes inequality. We have only an oral statement from the Minister, without legal specification, that he will apply for the extension of the concession for air traffic and air services of the company TAV. If the law is for that, then it should be stated, not to be reduced only to a statement of the Minister, which tomorrow may be completely unimportant,” says VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Miloshoski.

According to the opposition party MP, the law, in addition to promoting inequality and legal uncertainty, also gives excessive powers to the Minister of Economy, who in accordance with the legal solution, prescribes the conditions for extending the concession.

With the amendments to the Law on Concessions and Public Private Partnership, as an exception, there is an opportunity to extend the contract due to an event that is not the fault of the concessionaire and which could not have been foreseen by concluding the contract and if that event affects the subject of the contract with consequences for the financial operations of the concessionaire, such as the COVID-19 crisis.

In the framework of the 50th session, the MPs ended the debate on the Draft Law on Agriculture and Rural Development, in the first reading. Voting will be additionally scheduled.

According to the proposer, the main purpose for which the amendment to the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development is proposed is to integrate the application for financial support in agriculture and rural development in one body in the state administration, to facilitate the functioning of financial support application systems in order to reducing administrative procedures and reducing the possibility of system errors.

MP ZdravkoTrajanov from the ranks of opposition VMRO-DPMNE noted that despite the positive things from the amendments to the law and the benefits of digitalization, it is disputable that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy will not have enough control over the systems.

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