VMRO-DPMNE demands an urgent session on the law on reduction of energy excises


The VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group of demands that the law on reduction of excise duties on energy, which we submitted under an urgent procedure, be put on the session immediately, Brane Petrushevski from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE said in Parliament.

“We demand a fixed reduction of 50% of the excise tax on diesel fuel and gasoline. After the new increase in the price of oil on the international markets of 122 dollars per barrel, we are facing another increase in the prices of diesel fuel and now it can be seen that the Government’s model for reducing the excise tax has no effect. Today, the gas stations buy the fuel for 83 denars, and sell it for 81 denars, which means that they work with losses, but also this increase additionally burdens the citizens. We believe that instead of the Government coming up with some flat comparisons with other countries in the region and convincing us how we paid for the cheapest fuel, while not taking into account the purchasing power of citizens and living standards, to accept this law which is guaranteed to affect the reduction of the price of energy”, says Petrushevski.

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