Kovachevski: I haven’t mentioned June, I don’t tie myself to dates


Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski arrived to Brussels for the NATO summit dedicated to Ukraine, but used the opportunity to meet with EU interlocutors, where the Macedonian path is still blocked due to the bilateral issue with Bulgaria, MIA reports from Brussels.

The PM did not want to bid on dates for the promised intergovernmental conference to start negotiations, and said he had never mentioned June, but warned that any delay would increase the country’s skepticism and leave room for actors close to Vladimir Putin’s regime.

“The non-start of negotiations with the Republic of North Macedonia gives a bad signal, because we already have four positive reports from the European Commission on our progress in EU harmonization. It gives a bad signal both for us and for the whole region. The Minister of Foreign Affairs shared what was part of some research, and that is that support for the EU is still at an extremely high level, over 68 percent. However, the failure to hold the first intergovernmental conference raises skepticism among certain groups, which is normal in such a long process and is not good. There are third countries that do not want to see RSM as part of the EU and that fund different groups and even political parties. We have political parties with anti-European and anti-NATO orientations that are classically populist in the country, have never proposed a viable measure, but are fed by such centers outside the country and which with such funding manage to create a certain public opinion that is contrary to the strategic commitments of the dominant part of the population and contrary to all government partners, and that is full membership in Europe. Let us not forget that we are the newest member of NATO, as we have become thanks to difficult decisions, but now we see how important it is to be a NATO member given that the security of the country is guaranteed by the largest security and defense alliance in the world,” says the Prime Minister.


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