The rule of ‘winner-take-all’ coalition is over and does not apply anymore, DUI should go into opposition


The winner-take-all rule ended the moment Ali Ahmeti decided to form a government with Zoran Zaev. That rule ended here and is already a category in the history of Macedonian politics. No one has the moral or essential right to make that request, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with “Click Plus” on TV21, stressing DUI should go into opposition.

Mickoski stressed that the formation of the government should be guided by the program and so should the political partners be chosen, because it requires mature behavior and rational making of real reassessments of political moves.

“It is not a matter of honor, but the issue of the Constitution for forming a government. Unfortunately, in politics, the Constitution comes first, above all,” Mickoski said.

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