The consequences of the negotiations with Bulgaria are the result of the disastrous policies of Kovachevski and Osmani, accuses opposition


It was once again confirmed that the general concern about the way the negotiations in Bulgaria are conducted by the SDSM government is justified. It was reaffirmed that the consequences of the negotiations are the result of the Government’s disastrous policies. Once again, Bulgaria has a reason to declare success, while the government in Macedonia has more reason to remain silent, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Marija Miteva told a press briefing on Monday.

Miteva pointed out that it was once again confirmed that the Macedonian public found out about the harmful policies from announcements by the Bulgarian authorities.

“The so-called success is another defeat for the Macedonian history, for the Macedonian identity and for the Macedonian uniqueness. Kovachevski’s government silent as Bulgarian side celebrates success in talks with historic commission. The so-called positive atmosphere in the negotiations this time results in an agreement for Tsar Samuel. SDSM, Kovachevski and Osmani, without any idea how to cover this up, have been avoiding giving honest answers to the Macedonian public for days. Neither the citizens nor the MPs are informed what has been agreed in the historical commission and what progress Bulgaria has declared a success. What does this secret agreement contain, did they give up the language and what is the agreement for Tsar Samuel. The non-transparency of the government in the negotiations calls into question the national interests of Macedonia,” the opposition spokesperson Miteva said.


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