I imagine Macedonia as a country where progress is made according to competencies, not because they are part of a certain percentage or quotas


I am ready to talk about everything, I am ready to talk about deleting the percentages, I am ready to talk and I expect support from other political parties for a single constituency. I’m also ready to talk about deleting Badinter, deleting the balance sheet because I see that certain political entities want to gradually leave the Ohrid Framework Agreement. Then let’s jointly create a society that we will project from today until the next 50 years,” said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski while answering media questions during today’s visit to the municipality of Kavadarci.

Mickoski added that he knows many people who do not like and feel offended that they are part of a quota, that they are part of a certain percentage.

“I imagine Macedonia as a country in which one will progress according to competencies, quality and knowledge, and not because they are part of some percentage or some quotas. That’s why these four topics I think that the period that were current and were voted and adopted somehow seemed to have outgrown. We are all more experienced today, so let’s talk about deleting both the balance sheet and the Badinter, and let’s talk about deleting the percentages, let’s talk about one constituency being equally valued everywhere, and not in a constituency it should be 5-5,500 , and in another constituency to be 8-8,500. let’s all talk about these topics. I hope that other political parties see Macedonia in this way in the next 50 years, Macedonia a country for all citizens equally where we will progress according to our competencies, according to our skills and according to our knowledge. And not because we are part of some quotas or some percentages,” Mickoski said.


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