O2 initiative: Who will compensate the citizens who had to breathe in asbestos fibers while “Treska” was on fire?


All of us who were outside while asbestos roofs of the former Treska factory were on fire and we were exposed to asbestos fibers that cause a number of respiratory problems, are carcinogenic and cause lung cancer, says the O2 initiative.

Asbestos is on the list of hazardous waste. There was no public warning to leave the streets and parks and close the windows at home as the asbestos fibers traveled through the air we breathed. The health of every resident of Skopje was endangered, especially those from Centar and Karposh.

When will asbestos roofs and insulation be removed from the city safely and we do not wait for fires or improper demolition of buildings that expose us to carcinogenic hazardous waste, asbestos?

Who will compensate the citizens who had to breathe in asbestos fibers? Who will be held responsible for the fact that there was no warning for the citizens to leave the outside areas and close their windows?” the initiative’s press release reads.


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