Janevska: Government tries to stifle the strike by threatening to hire substitute teachers


Teachers have been called to take a professional exam during a strike, and before that they could not beg to come to the State Examination Center to take various excuses and reasons to provide substitute teachers, university professor and chair of the VMRO-DPMNE Republic Commission for education and science Vesna Janevska told Alfa TV.

Asked whether the threats of finding substitute teachers could stifle the strike, Janevska said it was just an attempt to end the strike and force teachers to end the strike, pointing out that it does not hold water with substitute teachers because it must be in considering that it is about working with children.

“That with the substitute teachers is a really unusual story that does not hold water. I honestly don’t believe it will happen because no one knows how long the strike will last. The substitute teacher who comes from the bench, without any experience, gathers all those who are out of work and immediately sends them to classes. Without having to check beforehand, it is about working with children. For example, for high school children, they are already close to adulthood, so they may be able to cope with a problem teacher. But what will happen to the children from the first to the fifth, or from the sixth to the ninth. It is not done that way, and it is only a method of coercion and attempt to stifle the strike,” says Janevska.

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