Protest in front of SONK: Teachers don’t want the strike to end, Nedelkov promises an open session


    About 300 SONK members gathered in protest in front of the union headquarters, dissatisfied with Monday’s statement of their union leader Jakim Nedelkov that an agreement was allegedly reached with the Government to increase salaries by 12 percent.
    “One thing is clear – yesterday we were in the Government and in a statement to the media we said that we talked and that it is up to the membership to comment on the proposals. For that reason, meetings are still held and the opinion of the membership is sounded. The Union with 50 plus one vote will decide whether to accept or reject the offer. And for that reason, be sure that without any manipulation, the decisions of the membership will be public and transparent,” said Nedelkov in front of the gathered members of the union.
    At the request of the gathered members, Nedelkov agreed that the session of the SONK Council be open. The session of the Council, according to the announcements, should be held in the afternoon starting at 16:00.
    The SONK leadership yesterday after several hours of negotiations in the Government agreed to increase salaries by 12 percent starting from the July salary after the government proposal for an increase of 10 percent was initially rejected.

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