Dimitrieska-Kochoska: There’s a very high correction of inflation upwards, and there is no adequate correction of GDP, it says that it will not end with even 2.9% of GDP, but it will be much lower


    We should not forget the moment that we have an upward correction in the inflation rate for the first time such a big difference or such a big change, or a wrong projection last year for 2022 and now projected. We have never had such a correction before. Just as we did not have a correction for 2020 of the decline that we had in GDP. So, somehow, more serious projections are happening to us in relation to the plan. Well, now we have 8.8% inflation rate, so projected for 2022, and on the other hand we have a GDP projection of 2.9%, or one percentage point down. I do not really know where the National Bank looks when it projects things, first I do not even know how it projected inflation before the beginning of the year when we knew what the situation is with the energy crisis. Inflation is not from now, so we are continuously talking that inflation in our country started much earlier in relation to the Eurozone, in relation to neighboring countries. This was also stated by the World Bank in the spring forecasts of 2021 when it said that Macedonia has higher inflation compared to the entire region, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska in an interview with TV 24.
    Dimitrieska-Kochoska added that GDP 2.9% for 2022 with inflation of 8.8%, it is said that inflation will eat the money. And, there are no announcements whether there will be corrections and increase of the salaries of the citizens, and if there is inflation that eats the money, it means that with the same salary people will be able to buy less. If GDP measures quantity production and sales at the same time, the question arises as to how people with the same money, and higher prices will buy 2.9% more or will it all be produced and exported, etc.

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