Electricity will increase by more than ten percent, says VMRO-DPMNE leader


The leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski at a press conference on Saturday estimated that in addition to the current 30 percent, from July 1 2022, citizens will pay for more than 10 percent more expensive electricity.

Mickoski stated that the reason for that is that the excavators of REK Bitola do not dig coal due to floods, the cost of street lighting and lower electricity production.

“The main and essential thing why I mention street lighting is the data delivered yesterday that the municipalities spent 30 million denars through street lighting,” said Mickoski, adding that it is 1.32 percent of the total electricity consumed for 2021.

VMRO-DPMNE’s solution to the problem of increasing electricity bills is for the country to return to electricity production in 2019.

“Let’s go back at least from the production from 2019 and we will do that in six months. What is happening today is minus 250 million euros,” said Mickovski.

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