Flood in Suvodol mine after storm, coal mining continues in difficult conditions


The strong storm with rain and hail at the beginning of the weekend caused floods and large basins of water in the mine Suvodol, from where the largest quantities of coal are brought to REK Bitola.

The storm that hit the area of ​​the mine on Friday night caused large inflows in the excavation field and at the positions where the large excavators and coal transportation systems are located. The plant is currently working with all the human and technical resources it has to repair the situation and the smooth extraction of coal, which still takes place under difficult conditions.

The head of production in Rudnici-REK Bitola DimitarPetkovski said that the work is in difficult conditions and that the employees have been assigned to emergency tasks since yesterday in anticipation of the storm and rain, which according to the forecast will continue over the weekend.


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